Kunci Coin
Kunci Coin (KUNCI) is a token of a cryptocurrency project that aims to support multichains. Now KunciCoin is a fork of Solana. At the moment, the project is trying to create an ecosystem that will support functions from the metaverse to NFT and DeFi.
News about Kunci Coin
19 Jan 2023, 01:02
GM! What emoji best describes you today? 🤔
What emoji best describes you today.GM! What emoji best describes you today? 🤔
17 Jan 2023, 13:25
Siap-siap ajuin cuti di hari-hari kejepit ini #KunciArmy 🥳 Eits, ada yang spesial juga di tanggal 16 februari lohh, yesss hari ulang tahun KunciCoin yang pertama lho! 😲 🔑
#PAKAIKUNCICOIN #kuncicoin #kuncicoinindonesia #cuti #libur #harilibur #harikejepitnasional
Siap-siap ajuin cuti di hari-hari kejepit ini #KunciArmy Eits, ada yang spesial juga di tanggal 16 februari lohh, yesss hari ulaSiap-siap ajuin cuti di hari-hari kejepit ini #KunciArmy 🥳 Eits, ada yang spesial juga di tanggal 16 februari lohh, yesss hari ulang tahun KunciCoin yang pertama lho! 😲 🔑
#PAKAIKUNCICOIN #kuncicoin #kuncicoinindonesia #cuti #libur #harilibur #harikejepitnasional https://t.co/dFpTXr3zLj
17 Jan 2023, 07:06
Let’s find out the trending #cryptonews in the 3rd Week of January 📰👀
1. Samsung Investment Arm to Launch Bitcoin Futures ETF in Hong Kong
2. One of The Largest US Colleges Has Begun Teaching Students about Bitcoin
Let's find out the trending #cryptonews in the 3rd Week of January.Let’s find out the trending #cryptonews in the 3rd Week of January 📰👀
1. Samsung Investment Arm to Launch Bitcoin Futures ETF in Hong Kong
2. One of The Largest US Colleges Has Begun Teaching Students about Bitcoin
1/3 https://t.co/r3nFbQrjCM
16 Jan 2023, 04:16
GM #KunciArmy! 🌤️
Jangan lupa join yaa! 🥳➡️
GM #KunciArmy. Jangan lupa join yaa.GM #KunciArmy! 🌤️
Jangan lupa join yaa! 🥳➡️ https://t.co/UYzlO2tFI4 https://t.co/bMdcPl09pG
12 Jan 2023, 13:34
Dari hacker kini jadi Backend Developer! Yuk intip perjalanan Dika 🤩
Dari hacker kini jadi Backend Developer. Yuk intip perjalanan Dika.Dari hacker kini jadi Backend Developer! Yuk intip perjalanan Dika 🤩
1/4 https://t.co/YN4juVLK0R
11 Jan 2023, 11:57
Perjalanan Joko Crypto @JokoCryptoReal dari Nol:
Dulu Kuli, Sekarang Membangun Projek Kripto #1 di Indonesia
Perjalanan Joko Crypto @JokoCryptoReal dari Nol:. Dulu Kuli, Sekarang Membangun Projek Kripto #1 di Indonesia.Perjalanan Joko Crypto @JokoCryptoReal dari Nol:
Dulu Kuli, Sekarang Membangun Projek Kripto #1 di Indonesia https://t.co/G6P6z5yygX
10 Jan 2023, 11:17
Halo, #KunciArmy! Siapa nih yang kemarin ketinggalan AMA bersama @JokoCryptoReal, Co-Founder KunciCoin?
Bisa langsung cek link berikut untuk rangkumannya ya ➡️
Halo, #KunciArmy. Siapa nih yang kemarin ketinggalan AMA bersama @JokoCryptoReal, Co-Founder KunciCoin.Halo, #KunciArmy! Siapa nih yang kemarin ketinggalan AMA bersama @JokoCryptoReal, Co-Founder KunciCoin?
Bisa langsung cek link berikut untuk rangkumannya ya ➡️ https://t.co/kaRUasiRcq https://t.co/0BnzkuOmHd
10 Jan 2023, 07:54
Happy Tuesday #KunciArmy! 🤩 It’s time for us deliver #KunciUpdate to you 📰
This week in #Crypto News:
1. Indonesia Intends to Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency Exchange
2. Huobi Global Reportedly Pressurizing Staff For Salary in Crypto
Happy Tuesday #KunciArmy. It's time for us deliver #KunciUpdate to you. This week in #Crypto News:.Happy Tuesday #KunciArmy! 🤩 It’s time for us deliver #KunciUpdate to you 📰
This week in #Crypto News:
1. Indonesia Intends to Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency Exchange
2. Huobi Global Reportedly Pressurizing Staff For Salary in Crypto
1/2 https://t.co/hHoMsVzeVD
09 Jan 2023, 08:03
Last year, we made a promise to be more transparent to our holders. Well, this year, we deliver!
Our new tokenomics were created to give our holders a better transparency and to build trust between us. With this new tokenomics, let’s move forward together and achieve greatness🔥
Last year, we made a promise to be more transparent to our holders. Well, this year, we deliver.Last year, we made a promise to be more transparent to our holders. Well, this year, we deliver!
Our new tokenomics were created to give our holders a better transparency and to build trust between us. With this new tokenomics, let’s move forward together and achieve greatness🔥 https://t.co/Ml0IH4yCis
09 Jan 2023, 07:37
KunciCoin telah melakukan Final Burn pada tanggal 4 Januari 2023. Dengan ini, total $KUNCI yang beredar adalah 4 Miliar token 🔥🔥🔥
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan para holders lebih jelas dan terpapar, KunciCoin sudah merilis Whitepaper 2.0 ➡️
KunciCoin telah melakukan Final Burn pada tanggal 4 Januari 2023. Dengan ini, total $KUNCI yang beredar adalah 4 Miliar token.KunciCoin telah melakukan Final Burn pada tanggal 4 Januari 2023. Dengan ini, total $KUNCI yang beredar adalah 4 Miliar token 🔥🔥🔥
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan para holders lebih jelas dan terpapar, KunciCoin sudah merilis Whitepaper 2.0 ➡️ https://t.co/LcHR9qBMye https://t.co/5jwQ21IDoG
09 Jan 2023, 05:01
Yuk yang belum claim hadiahnya, segera claim ya sekarang juga via DM 🙏 Hari ini batas claim hadiahnya lohh 😢😱
1 @Freyasaja
2 @AdvikAustik
3 @ahmad90059357
4 @Rosiana789
5 @SiPaling_Winner
6 @luqman_Hkimm
7 @ajammaullana
8 @tyler_gillaspie
9 @CicikKinah
10 @Rodrigosousa04
11 @satsetsuna
12 @leocityx
DM kita untuk claim hadiahnya ya!💜CONGRATS!🥳
Yuk yang belum claim hadiahnya, segera claim ya sekarang juga via DM Hari ini batas claim hadiahnya lohh.Yuk yang belum claim hadiahnya, segera claim ya sekarang juga via DM 🙏 Hari ini batas claim hadiahnya lohh 😢😱 https://t.co/mfqqEM72Se
1 @Freyasaja
2 @AdvikAustik
3 @ahmad90059357
4 @Rosiana789
5 @SiPaling_Winner
6 @luqman_Hkimm
7 @ajammaullana
8 @tyler_gillaspie
9 @CicikKinah
10 @Rodrigosousa04
11 @satsetsuna
12 @leocityx
DM kita untuk claim hadiahnya ya!💜CONGRATS!🥳
09 Jan 2023, 02:51
GM! How was your weekend #KunciArmy?
How was your weekend #KunciArmy.GM! How was your weekend #KunciArmy?
07 Jan 2023, 02:00
Halo, #KunciArmy! Happy weekend! Let's take a look at our journey and achievement! 🥳
We're not stopping here; more to come! 🤩
Halo, #KunciArmy. Happy weekend. Let's take a look at our journey and achievement. We're not stopping here. more to come.Halo, #KunciArmy! Happy weekend! Let's take a look at our journey and achievement! 🥳
We're not stopping here; more to come! 🤩 https://t.co/7kcAIkYW2q
06 Jan 2023, 12:46
Congrats Alenka!! Keren banget siiiiii @alenkainventra 🫶🏼💛🫶🏼💛
Congrats on 100k @alenkainventra!
Congrats Alenka. Keren banget siiiiii @alenkainventra. Congrats on 100k @alenkainventra.Congrats Alenka!! Keren banget siiiiii @alenkainventra 🫶🏼💛🫶🏼💛 https://t.co/qNabB0MnuL
Congrats on 100k @alenkainventra! https://t.co/HdtW5dIDEM
05 Jan 2023, 08:41
Congratulations to all the winners! 🥳 Claim hadiah kamu dengan mengirimkan DM “Hai #KunciMin! Aku pemenang Giveaway #KUNCICOINONTORCH” 🙌
Batas klaim hadiah selambat-lambatnya 9 Jan 2023 😊
Penyaluran hadiah membutuhkan jangka waktu maksimal D+30 hari kerja. Mohon ditunggu! 🔥
Congratulations to all the winners. Claim hadiah kamu dengan mengirimkan DM "Hai #KunciMin.Congratulations to all the winners! 🥳 Claim hadiah kamu dengan mengirimkan DM “Hai #KunciMin! Aku pemenang Giveaway #KUNCICOINONTORCH” 🙌
Batas klaim hadiah selambat-lambatnya 9 Jan 2023 😊
Penyaluran hadiah membutuhkan jangka waktu maksimal D+30 hari kerja. Mohon ditunggu! 🔥 https://t.co/dQ4eh30Pt2
04 Jan 2023, 11:58
#KUNCICOINONTORCH Twitter Global Giveaway Winners:
1 @You147369
2 @RealzSyahril
3 @IrmawatiKamal
4 @Wulansari_wl
5 @wahyudi_diding
6 @Pizzaonecry_
7 @Dims_Ardyanto
8 @rezaariestaaa
9 @BigPickaw
10 @AbkaryAbraham
11 @saniaBtc
12 @ridhorahadi
DM your details to claim your prize!🥳
#KUNCICOINONTORCH Twitter Global Giveaway Winners:. 1 @You147369. 2 @RealzSyahril. 3 @IrmawatiKamal. 4 @Wulansari_wl.#KUNCICOINONTORCH Twitter Global Giveaway Winners:
1 @You147369
2 @RealzSyahril
3 @IrmawatiKamal
4 @Wulansari_wl
5 @wahyudi_diding
6 @Pizzaonecry_
7 @Dims_Ardyanto
8 @rezaariestaaa
9 @BigPickaw
10 @AbkaryAbraham
11 @saniaBtc
12 @ridhorahadi
DM your details to claim your prize!🥳
04 Jan 2023, 10:02
Instagram Giveaway Winners lagi di umumin di LIVE nih 🔥🔥🔥
Congrats untuk para winners!!! 🥳🥳🥳
Instagram Giveaway Winners lagi di umumin di LIVE nih. Congrats untuk para winners. #KUNCICOINONTORCH.Instagram Giveaway Winners lagi di umumin di LIVE nih 🔥🔥🔥
Congrats untuk para winners!!! 🥳🥳🥳
04 Jan 2023, 09:22
Founder kita @JokoCryptoReal, sedang memberi sambutan hangat nih 🔥🔥🔥
Founder kita @JokoCryptoReal, sedang memberi sambutan hangat nih. #KUNCICOINONTORCH.Founder kita @JokoCryptoReal, sedang memberi sambutan hangat nih 🔥🔥🔥
04 Jan 2023, 03:23
It's the day #KUNCICOINONTORCH.It’s the day 🔥💜 #KUNCICOINONTORCH https://t.co/ovN2BViRvW
03 Jan 2023, 11:40
Tomorrow we will do the Final Burn 🔥 LFG #KunciArmy! 🎉🔥😎
🔑 @Kuncicoinglobal is burning 90% of their current supply!
Check their utilites:
1. QoinPay (Cross Border Payment Gateway)
2. KunciPlay (Web 3 Digital Music Platform)
All applications available to download
Tomorrow we will do the Final Burn LFG #KunciArmy. #KUNCICOINONTORCH. @Kuncicoinglobal is burning 90% of their current supply.Tomorrow we will do the Final Burn 🔥 LFG #KunciArmy! 🎉🔥😎
#KUNCICOINONTORCH https://t.co/U5Vr0a3kpD
🔑 @Kuncicoinglobal is burning 90% of their current supply!
Check their utilites:
1. QoinPay (Cross Border Payment Gateway)
2. KunciPlay (Web 3 Digital Music Platform)
All applications available to download
#KUNCICOINONTORCH https://t.co/kdfqE1OJ6n
03 Jan 2023, 05:05
Whoa, we are currently on Trending, Hot & Coin with potential on CoinMarketCal?!! 😱
#KunciArmy! You are AWESOME!!!😎🔥🔥
Whoa, we are currently on Trending, Hot & Coin with potential on CoinMarketCal. #KunciArmy. You are AWESOME.Whoa, we are currently on Trending, Hot & Coin with potential on CoinMarketCal?!! 😱
#KunciArmy! You are AWESOME!!!😎🔥🔥 https://t.co/tkmc1mbBXw
02 Jan 2023, 08:10
Let’s vote for “Real” #KunciArmy!
Go go go 🎉🎉🎉
Let's vote for "Real" #KunciArmy. Go go go. #KUNCICOINONTORCH #KUNCICOINFINALBURN.Let’s vote for “Real” #KunciArmy!
Go go go 🎉🎉🎉
02 Jan 2023, 01:55
2 more days 'till the Final Burn 🔥🔥🔥
2 more days 'till the Final Burn.GM!
2 more days 'till the Final Burn 🔥🔥🔥
31 Dec 2022, 18:03
Happy New Year 2023! 🎉
KunciCoin & #KunciTroopers wish you a wonderful new year and hope it brings you many blessings!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Happy New Year 2023. KunciCoin & #KunciTroopers wish you a wonderful new year and hope it brings you many blessings.Happy New Year 2023! 🎉
KunciCoin & #KunciTroopers wish you a wonderful new year and hope it brings you many blessings!!! 🎉🎉🎉 https://t.co/xFT6J3J3fy
30 Dec 2022, 13:07
We made the headlines on one of the biggest media in Indonesia 🎉🙌🏼
We made the headlines on one of the biggest media in Indonesia. #KUNCICOINONTORCH #KunciCoin $KUNCI.We made the headlines on one of the biggest media in Indonesia 🎉🙌🏼
30 Dec 2022, 06:48
RT @Kuncicoin_id: It’s the end of the year again! Let’s wrap it up with KunciCoin ANNUAL RECAP 2022 ✨
Read the full report 👉🏼 https://t.co…
RT @Kuncicoin_id: It's the end of the year again. Let's wrap it up with KunciCoin ANNUAL RECAP 2022. Read the full report ….RT @Kuncicoin_id: It’s the end of the year again! Let’s wrap it up with KunciCoin ANNUAL RECAP 2022 ✨
Read the full report 👉🏼 https://t.co…
29 Dec 2022, 14:43
$300 GIVEAWAY!!! Join now! 🔥🔥🔥
🔥 KunciCoin is looking for 36 Winners🔥
To celebrate 36B $KUNCI BURN, KunciCoin is looking for 12 Winners from Twitter Global (out of 36 winners) to get the chance to win the prize pool of 300 USD 🥳
$300 GIVEAWAY. Join now. #KUNCICOINONTORCH. KunciCoin is looking for 36 Winners.$300 GIVEAWAY!!! Join now! 🔥🔥🔥
🔥 KunciCoin is looking for 36 Winners🔥
To celebrate 36B $KUNCI BURN, KunciCoin is looking for 12 Winners from Twitter Global (out of 36 winners) to get the chance to win the prize pool of 300 USD 🥳 https://t.co/39QKG4AG0p
28 Dec 2022, 15:07
“This company will burn 15 trillion Rupiah of crypto” 🔥🔥
"This company will burn 15 trillion Rupiah of crypto".“This company will burn 15 trillion Rupiah of crypto” 🔥🔥
27 Dec 2022, 12:00
🔥 KunciCoin is looking for 36 Winners🔥
To celebrate 36B $KUNCI BURN, KunciCoin is looking for 12 Winners from Twitter Global (out of 36 winners) to get the chance to win the prize pool of 300 USD 🥳
KunciCoin is looking for 36 Winners.🔥 KunciCoin is looking for 36 Winners🔥
To celebrate 36B $KUNCI BURN, KunciCoin is looking for 12 Winners from Twitter Global (out of 36 winners) to get the chance to win the prize pool of 300 USD 🥳 https://t.co/39QKG4AG0p
26 Dec 2022, 11:07
Yes! You read it right!
To celebrate 36B $KUNCI burn, WE ARE LOOKING FOR 36 WINNERS! 🔥🥳
You read it right. To celebrate 36B $KUNCI burn, WE ARE LOOKING FOR 36 WINNERS.Yes! You read it right!
To celebrate 36B $KUNCI burn, WE ARE LOOKING FOR 36 WINNERS! 🔥🥳 https://t.co/uypqLE7HqJ
25 Dec 2022, 12:08
Awesome! We are #1! 🥳🙌🏼
#KunciCoin $KUNCI #KunciArmy
Top-13 gainers by Weekly Social Volume growth
Social Volume is the total number of social media messages, posts, and metadata from the internet that contain the given crypto project-related terms.
Awesome. We are #1. #KunciCoin $KUNCI #KunciArmy. Top-13 gainers by Weekly Social Volume growth.Awesome! We are #1! 🥳🙌🏼
#KunciCoin $KUNCI #KunciArmy https://t.co/yydjeNFEd7
Top-13 gainers by Weekly Social Volume growth
Social Volume is the total number of social media messages, posts, and metadata from the internet that contain the given crypto project-related terms.
25 Dec 2022, 03:06
Merry Xmas #KunciArmy! 🎄🎅🏽
Wishing your holiday season be filled with sparkles of joy! ✨
Merry Xmas #KunciArmy. Wishing your holiday season be filled with sparkles of joy.Merry Xmas #KunciArmy! 🎄🎅🏽
Wishing your holiday season be filled with sparkles of joy! ✨ https://t.co/A8LtCnSHZs
24 Dec 2022, 02:39
22 Dec 2022, 13:44
Our monthly achievement Vol.3 is finally here! 🥳
This is to remind us to always grow and to be thankful for your ongoing support #KunciArmy 🙌🏼
More to come. Get ready for the FINAL BURN on January 4th 🔥🔥 Light the #KUNCICOINONTORCH for a better transparency 🔥🔥
Our monthly achievement Vol. 3 is finally here.Our monthly achievement Vol.3 is finally here! 🥳
This is to remind us to always grow and to be thankful for your ongoing support #KunciArmy 🙌🏼
More to come. Get ready for the FINAL BURN on January 4th 🔥🔥 Light the #KUNCICOINONTORCH for a better transparency 🔥🔥 https://t.co/cK8ybEflhe
22 Dec 2022, 09:15
The highest ranked crypto project from Indonesia 🥳❤️🔥 #389
The highest ranked crypto project from Indonesia #389.The highest ranked crypto project from Indonesia 🥳❤️🔥 #389 https://t.co/vE9o232Rcz
21 Dec 2022, 08:40
FIFA World Cup has always been a game of skill and strength. However, during this #WorldCup2022, the #FIFA decided to add #blockchain technology to the game to add a new layer of security and transparency to the entire event ⚽🏆
Read full article➡️https://t.co/6jzrFMOBcs
FIFA World Cup has always been a game of skill and strength.FIFA World Cup has always been a game of skill and strength. However, during this #WorldCup2022, the #FIFA decided to add #blockchain technology to the game to add a new layer of security and transparency to the entire event ⚽🏆
Read full article➡️https://t.co/6jzrFMOBcs https://t.co/SN7Sa5rORO
20 Dec 2022, 20:28
RT @Web3Charts: 1. #DarkFrontiers $dark
2. #Oikos $oks
3. #KunciCoin $kunci
4. #StaderBNBx $bnbx
5. #Lamden $tau
6. #8Pay $8pay
RT @Web3Charts: 1. #DarkFrontiers $dark. #Oikos $oks. #KunciCoin $kunci. #StaderBNBx $bnbx. #Lamden $tau. #8Pay $8pay.RT @Web3Charts: 1. #DarkFrontiers $dark
2. #Oikos $oks
3. #KunciCoin $kunci
4. #StaderBNBx $bnbx
5. #Lamden $tau
6. #8Pay $8pay
20 Dec 2022, 10:24
Thank you Indonesia Crypto Network and Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia for featuring us 🙏
More info:
Thank you Indonesia Crypto Network and Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia for featuring us. More info:.Thank you Indonesia Crypto Network and Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia for featuring us 🙏
More info: https://t.co/hFQSgrcGt6 https://t.co/lKayVxi2Fz
16 Dec 2022, 09:18
Why do some crypto projects burn their tokens? 🤔 In this episode of #Kuncipedia we will talk about the benefits of token burn 🙌🏼🔥
Want to find out more? Go check it out here ➡️
#KUNCIPEDIA #KunciCoin #tokenburn #web3 #blockchain #crypto #kripto
Why do some crypto projects burn their tokens. In this episode of #Kuncipedia we will talk about the benefits of token burn.Why do some crypto projects burn their tokens? 🤔 In this episode of #Kuncipedia we will talk about the benefits of token burn 🙌🏼🔥
Want to find out more? Go check it out here ➡️ https://t.co/nM1XJJPDA7
#KUNCIPEDIA #KunciCoin #tokenburn #web3 #blockchain #crypto #kripto https://t.co/Bm3XeJpxsJ
15 Dec 2022, 04:31
Congratulations to #FRA on reaching the World Cup final. 🤩🥳
Did you guess it right? 🫣
#SAFURTER #FrancevsMorocco #FranceMorocco
FT: #FRANCE 2 - 0 #MOROCCO. Congratulations to #FRA on reaching the World Cup final. Did you guess it right.FT: #FRANCE 2 - 0 #MOROCCO
Congratulations to #FRA on reaching the World Cup final. 🤩🥳
Did you guess it right? 🫣
#SAFURTER #FrancevsMorocco #FranceMorocco
14 Dec 2022, 14:41
RT @Kuncicoin_id: Yuk, kenalan dengan Mas Erhan selaku Tech Lead #KunciCoin! 🧑🏽💻
Kali ini Mas Erhan akan spill tips & tricks untuk jadi se…
RT @Kuncicoin_id: Yuk, kenalan dengan Mas Erhan selaku Tech Lead #KunciCoin.RT @Kuncicoin_id: Yuk, kenalan dengan Mas Erhan selaku Tech Lead #KunciCoin! 🧑🏽💻
Kali ini Mas Erhan akan spill tips & tricks untuk jadi se…
14 Dec 2022, 10:46
RT @Kuncicoin_id: Eh kamu yang lagi nyobain fitur baru dari IG udah ngode ke siapa nih🫣 KunciCoin juga dapet kode-kodean nih yang wajib di…
RT @Kuncicoin_id: Eh kamu yang lagi nyobain fitur baru dari IG udah ngode ke siapa nih KunciCoin juga dapet kode-kodean nih yangRT @Kuncicoin_id: Eh kamu yang lagi nyobain fitur baru dari IG udah ngode ke siapa nih🫣 KunciCoin juga dapet kode-kodean nih yang wajib di…
14 Dec 2022, 03:37
Congratulations to Argentina on reaching the World Cup final. 🤩🥳
Did you guess it right? 🫣
#SAFURTER #ArgentinaVsCroatia #ARGCRO
FT: #ARGENTINA 3 - 0 #CROATIA. Congratulations to Argentina on reaching the World Cup final. Did you guess it right.FT: #ARGENTINA 🇦🇷 3 - 0 #CROATIA 🇭🇷
Congratulations to Argentina on reaching the World Cup final. 🤩🥳
Did you guess it right? 🫣
#SAFURTER #ArgentinaVsCroatia #ARGCRO
13 Dec 2022, 09:37
Semi-finals #FIFAWorldCup is here! 🥳
👇 Choose your favorite upcoming match👇
Semi-finals #FIFAWorldCup is here. Choose your favorite upcoming match. #SAFURTER. #FIFAWORLDCUP.Semi-finals #FIFAWorldCup is here! 🥳
👇 Choose your favorite upcoming match👇
12 Dec 2022, 09:53
Thank you, Jogja! 🎸🤘
So happy to see @lacuna_coil live 🥺🎸🥳
Thank you, Jogja. So happy to see @lacuna_coil live. #LACUNACOIL. #DJAVASPHERE. #SIAPSIAPHAMMERSONIC.Thank you, Jogja! 🎸🤘
So happy to see @lacuna_coil live 🥺🎸🥳
#SIAPSIAPHAMMERSONIC https://t.co/61RzFlIZ3l https://t.co/A3rLwj0xUc
11 Dec 2022, 05:58
Sunday funday! 👋
Here we are at #DJAVASPHERE Jogja! Can’t wait to see @lacuna_coil 😍🎉🥳
Sunday funday. Here we are at #DJAVASPHERE Jogja. Can't wait to see @lacuna_coil. #SIAPSIAPHAMMERSONIC.Sunday funday! 👋
Here we are at #DJAVASPHERE Jogja! Can’t wait to see @lacuna_coil 😍🎉🥳
09 Dec 2022, 13:07
RT @Realitymeta: We have partnered up with @Kuncicoinglobal
Kunci is a cryptocurrency & flexible platform for running crypto applications.…
RT @Realitymeta: We have partnered up with @Kuncicoinglobal.RT @Realitymeta: We have partnered up with @Kuncicoinglobal
Kunci is a cryptocurrency & flexible platform for running crypto applications.…